The people of Manus Province in Papua New Guinea have a poor health service, minimal communication with the outside world and a low standard of living. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic put them in an extremely vulnerable position.
Soap is an essential part of Covid safety precautions but soap is a luxury item for the Manus Province people. Turramurra Rotary Club honorary member, Lynne Shori, initiated a project, in conjunction with Wantaim PNG, to provide four tranches of soap, eight months supply, to every household. As culturally relevant messaging was severely lacking, flyers in local language were delivered across Manus Province with the support of government teams.
Turramurra Rotary provided $6,000 of club funds and achieved a matching District Grant of $6,000, and then the club also donated over $18,000 from club reserves. The project has led to recognition of Wantaim PNG by the World Health Organisation, who are now offering assistance to Wantaim PNG for further health projects in the Manus Province.